How To: List Meetings from Multiple Organizations

This YouTube video link provides guidance on using our Regions and Data Source Import utilities to display a 12 Step Meeting List based on data from multiple sources. An example where this configuration might be desired is an Area website that wants to include meetings in their listing which are maintained and displayed on local Intergroup, District, or Central Office websites.

Video Outline
A) Benefits:

  1. Users only need to update information in one place
  2. Helps keep the same meeting information in sync between different websites
  3. Reduces likelihood of duplicate meetings appearing in the Meeting Guide app

B) Requirements:

  • WordPress (free)
  • 12 Step Meeting List plugin (free)
  • Inter-organizational cooperation to share data

C) Assumptions:

  • You are familiar with creating or importing meeting records on your website, and how to make them available for public consumption via a feed. If not, please review this How To article: Use the 12 Step Meeting List on your Website.

D) Demo

  1. Activate Change Notification – Set an Email Addressee
  2. Set Top Level Hierarchical Regions
  3. Import Data Source Records with Change Detection Enabled
  4. Review Regions Configuration
  5. Review 12 Step Meeting List
  6. Fix Data Entry Errors
  7. Cron Job Scheduling
  8. Change Detected Email – Data Source Refresh
  9. Need Help?

E) Multiple Source Example Sites:


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We have regular meetings on Zoom every other Saturday at 12pm US Central time. Meetings July 13th and 27th 2024.