2023 Wrap Up

In last year’s wrap-up we reported that “while our membership grew, our active regular participants remained flat, or perhaps even declined.” We made some progress on this, and appreciate contributions by new members.

Our primary goal for 2024 is to increase the number of actively-contributing members.1 This is essential to ensure the longevity of our services. To that end, we will expand our outreach efforts both in-person and online. Read below for a detailed 2023 recap, and see our goals for 2024.

12 Step Meeting List

  • Increased our cadence of updates and releases from 2022 (17 releases in 2023 vs 11 in 2022)
  • Kept up with evolving conditions (WordPress update that caused a regression on the import page, WordPress.com data caching)
  • Explored visual and functional refactors to make imports more efficient (tbd)


  • Supported Online Intergroup in a transition away from Google Sheets to a brand new database application
  • Developed our capacity in React, Express, MongoDB, and Node
  • Updated Online Meeting List (the meeting finder on aa-intergroup.org) to support permalink bookmarks and group information panels


  • Added Swedish, and revamped many of the internals (such as styling and routing)


  • Fixed errors, transitioned to a new maintainer (welcome Anthony B!)
  • Explored some possible enhancements to serve a larger number of use cases
  • Kept Laravel up to date

Sheets, Enhanced Feedback Plugin, Website

  • Not many updates on these projects; monitored support


Presented at NAATW and ICOAA.


  • Maintained non-profit status
  • Added new members
  • Seated board members; conducted board meetings
  • Conducted 24 biweekly gatherings
  • Added formal open source licenses to all our projects
  • Held regular meetings with General Service Office Meeting Guide support team, and helped to troubleshoot data issues and stay in alignment on new features
  • Created a flyer to try to attract more participation

Goals for 2024

Our top goal for 2024 is to increase the number of actively-contributing members. To that end, we will:

  • Participate in technology sharing sessions (first one is in January)
  • Attend more events in-person
  • Revamp our website
  • Decide if TSML Xtras should be released as a standalone WP plugin or if some/all of its features should be added to TSML

Specific project goals:

  • TSML to improve support for block themes
  • TSML to add support for time zones
  • TSML to automate feed updates

In addition, we are as committed as ever to keeping our projects up-to-date and well-supported. Here’s to a happy and productive 2024!

  1. The only membership requirement is to be an experienced or aspiring software developer in a 12-Step-based recovery program. ↩︎